Performers and Art Music Concerts in Chile

Database with events, performer biographies and musical ensembles from the 20th and 21st centuries.

Welcome to “Performers and Art Music Concerts in Chile”. At this site you will find a database of concerts and other art music events that have taken place in Chile mostly since 1945. Additionally, we present biographies of Chilean performers of art music from the 20th and 21st centuries.

Under “Concerts” you will find a database with more than 2,000 events (concerts, as well as workshops, speeches, and other events) that took place mostly in Santiago de Chile between 1945 and 1995. In addition to art music events, some events pertaining to Early music, jazz, and popular music are also registered. This information comes from concert programs, press reviews and music journals, and can be searched using a “Quick Search” or “Search Filters” which allow the user to combine different categories (repertoire, performers, musical instruments, places, etc.).

Under “Biographies” you will find biographies of Chilean performers of art music during the 20th century, that are the result of archival research and interviews with performers and their families. Finally, the list of “Participants and Composers” presents all persons that are registered in this database, and links back to the events or biographies in which they are mentioned.

Did you not find what you were looking for? Do you think other events or persons should be included on this website? Would you like to collaborate with us? Don’t hesitate to write to us at the following email: